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From 9-January-2023 to 23-April-2024
Project Code: 21 Name: New Hope Animal Nutrition Plant Bogura
Client: New Hope Contractor: Sarker Steel Ltd.
Progress as on: 23-April-2024
Total Duration: 470 days Total Working Days: 223 Total Manpower: 8279
Planning Progress = 84.37% Acual Progress = 92.92% SPI: 1.1 Ahead Schedule
WBS Work Description
Total Quantity Total Done Schedule Start Schedule Finish Actual Start Actual Finish Lead-Lag(day) Not Yet
1.1 Mobilization-Shed 1sum 100% 09-01-23 20-01-23 09-01-23 22-01-23 -2
1.2 Mobilization-Labor 1sum 100% 14-01-23 17-01-23 14-01-23 17-01-23 0
1.3 Mobilization-Materials 1sum 100% 21-01-23 22-01-23 21-01-23 21-01-23 1
1.4 Mobilization-Equipment 1sum 100% 27-01-23 28-01-23 29-01-23 29-01-23 -1
1.5 Electricity Connection 01 100% 31-01-23 06-02-23 31-01-23 06-02-23 0
1.6 Tube-well Sinking 1no. 100% 01-02-23 01-02-23 01-02-23 01-02-23 0
1.7 Mud Tank Making 2nos 100% 01-02-23 12-02-23 02-02-23 12-02-23 0
2 Pile Layout and Survey 1sum 100% 01-02-23 02-02-23 01-02-23 03-02-23 -1
3.1.1 Comp.Bldg-Pile Boring, Concreting 69nos 100% 09-02-23 10-03-23 09-02-23 17-03-23 -7
3.1.2 Comp Bldg-Load Test-Integrity Test 1sum 100% 11-04-23 13-04-23 06-04-23 14-04-23 -1 Comp Bldg-Pile head Breaking 69nos 100% 18-03-23 27-03-23 16-03-23 06-04-23 -10 Comp Bldg-Pile Cap 20nos 100% 21-03-23 30-03-23 05-04-23 18-04-23 -19 Comp Bldg-Foundation Beam 266m 100% 31-03-23 13-04-23 19-04-23 16-05-23 -33 Comp Bldg-GF-Column 20nos 100% 24-05-23 01-06-23 22-05-23 02-06-23 -1 Comp Bldg-GF-Stair-1st Flight 1nos 100% 28-05-23 01-06-23 01-06-23 05-06-23 -4 Comp Bldg-GF-Stair-2nd Flight 1nos 100% 04-06-23 10-06-23 22-06-23 27-06-23 -17 Comp-1st Floor Slab-Formwork 613m2 100% 01-06-23 06-06-23 01-06-23 22-06-23 -16 Comp-1st Floor Slab-Re-bar Work 613m2 100% 07-06-23 09-06-23 02-06-23 22-06-23 -13 Comp-1st Floor Slab-Electrical 613m2 100% 08-06-23 09-06-23 22-06-23 22-06-23 -13 Comp-1st Floor Slab Concreting 613m2 100% 10-06-23 10-06-23 27-06-23 27-06-23 -17 Comp Bldg-1st Floor-Column 20nos 100% 12-06-23 18-06-23 06-07-23 19-07-23 -31 Comp-1st Floor-Stair-1st Flight 1no. 100% 12-06-23 18-06-23 06-07-23 16-07-23 -28 Comp-1st Floor-Stair-2nd Flight 1no. 100% 20-06-23 26-06-23 17-07-23 04-08-23 -39 Comp-2nd Floor Slab-Formwork 613m2 100% 19-06-23 24-06-23 16-07-23 31-07-23 -37 Comp-2nd Floor Slab-Re-bar Work 613m2 100% 25-06-23 26-06-23 17-07-23 02-08-23 -37 Comp-2nd Floor Slab-Electrical Work 613m2 100% 25-06-23 26-06-23 04-08-23 04-08-23 -39 Comp-2nd Floor Slab-Concreting 613m2 100% 26-06-23 26-06-23 04-08-23 04-08-23 -39 Comp-Top Floor-Column 4nos 100% 08-07-23 09-07-23 21-08-23 27-08-23 -49 Comp-Top Floor Roof Slab 0m2 100% 10-07-23 11-07-23 03-09-23 16-09-23 -67 Comp Parapet-Brick Wall 153m2 100% 08-07-23 10-07-23 14-08-23 22-09-23 -74 Comp-GF-Brickwork 111m3 100% 25-06-23 11-07-23 21-07-23 08-09-23 -59 Comp-GF-Window Grill 0nos 100% 12-07-23 14-07-23 03-09-23 21-09-23 -69 Comp-GF-Plaster work 1364m2 100% 11-07-23 15-07-23 18-08-23 21-09-23 -68 Comp-Khoa-sand Cushion in Floor 613m2 100% 11-07-23 15-07-23 14-08-23 25-09-23 -72 Comp-GF-Floor Concreting 613m2 100% 10-07-23 16-07-23 16-09-23 02-11-23 -109 Comp-GF-Tiles Fitting 790m2 100% 17-07-23 23-07-23 25-10-23 02-02-24 -194 Comp-GF-Door Shutter-Window fixing 0nos 100% 22-07-23 24-07-23 02-02-24 02-02-24 -193 Comp-GF-False Ceiling 100% 10-07-23 24-07-23 02-02-24 02-02-24 -193 Comp-GF-Painting 100% 25-11-23 19-12-23 02-02-24 02-02-24 -45 Comp-1st Floor-Brickwork 111m3 100% 26-07-23 01-08-23 22-08-23 22-09-23 -52 Comp-1st Floor-Plaster Work 1364m2 100% 01-08-23 05-08-23 03-09-23 02-02-24 -181 Comp-1st Floor-Tile Fixing 613m2 100% 04-08-23 10-08-23 02-02-24 02-02-24 -176 Comp-1st Floor-Door Shutter Window fixin 0nos 100% 09-08-23 11-08-23 02-02-24 02-02-24 -175 Comp-1st Floor-False Ceiling 100% 28-07-23 11-08-24 02-02-24 02-02-24 191 Comp-1st Floor-Painting 100% 02-12-23 26-12-23 02-02-24 02-02-24 -38 Comp-Outside Plastering m2 100% 28-07-23 11-08-23 08-10-23 02-11-23 -83 Comp-GF-Sanitary Pipe Work 1sum 100% 12-07-23 21-12-23 19-07-23 02-02-24 -43 Comp-GF-Plumbing work 1sum 100% 12-07-23 18-07-23 31-10-23 02-02-24 -199 Comp-GF-Electrical Pipe Work 1sum 100% 12-07-23 18-07-23 27-07-23 23-08-23 -36 Comp-GF-Power Distribution Board nos 100% 19-07-23 25-07-23 26-10-23 02-02-24 -192 Comp-GF-Cable Tray 80m 100% 19-07-23 25-07-23 29-09-23 29-09-23 -66 Comp-GF-Electric Cable/wiring 1Sum 100% 13-07-23 19-07-23 13-10-23 31-10-23 -104 Comp-GF-Sanitary Fixer installi 1Sum 100% 21-12-23 27-12-23 02-02-24 02-02-24 -37 Comp-GF-Electric switch-socket fix 1Sum 100% 25-12-23 27-12-23 02-02-24 02-02-24 -37 Comp-1st Floor-Sanitary Pipe Work 1Sum 100% 04-08-23 08-08-23 03-09-23 02-02-24 -178 Comp.1st Floor-Plumbing work 1sum 100% 04-08-23 08-08-23 31-10-23 02-02-24 -178 Comp.1st Floor-Electrical Pipe work 100% 04-08-23 08-08-23 03-09-23 31-10-23 -84 Comp-1st Floor-Power Distribution Board nos 100% 05-08-23 11-08-23 26-10-23 02-02-24 -175 Comp-1st Floor-Cable Tray 80m 100% 05-08-23 11-08-23 25-10-23 31-10-23 -81 Comp.1st Floor-Electrical Cable/wiring 1sum 100% 07-08-23 09-08-23 31-10-23 31-10-23 -83 Comp.1st Floor-Sanitary fixer installati 1sum 100% 21-12-23 27-12-23 02-02-24 02-02-24 -37 Comp-1st Floor-Elect switch-socket 1sum 100% 25-12-23 27-12-23 02-02-24 02-02-24 -37
3.2.1 Canteen Dormitory-Pile Boring, Concretin 38nos 100% 12-03-23 26-03-23 25-03-23 13-04-23 -18
3.2.2 Canteen Dormitory-Load Test-Integrity Te 1sum 100% 30-04-23 30-04-23 19-05-23 19-05-23 -19 Canteen Dormitory-Pilehead Breaking 38nos 100% 01-05-23 10-05-23 02-05-23 23-05-23 -13 Canteen Dormitory-Pile Cap 12nos 100% 20-05-23 29-05-23 11-05-23 29-05-23 0 Canteen Dormitory-Short Column 12nos 100% 30-05-23 01-06-23 01-06-23 13-06-23 -12 Canteen Dormitory-Grade Beam 164m 100% 02-06-23 08-06-23 01-06-23 13-06-23 -5 Canteen Dormitory-GF-Column 12nos 100% 18-06-23 26-06-23 20-06-23 27-06-23 -1 Canteen Dormitory-GF-Stair-1st Flight 1no. 100% 09-07-23 13-07-23 08-07-23 02-08-23 -20 Canteen Dormitory-GF-Stair-2nd Flight 1no. 100% 20-07-23 26-07-23 04-08-23 10-08-23 -15 Canteen Dormitory-1st Floor Slab-Form 240m2 100% 12-07-23 21-07-23 21-07-23 06-08-23 -16 Canteen Dormitory-1st Floor Slab-Re-bar 240m2 100% 22-07-23 25-07-23 02-08-23 06-08-23 -12 Canteen Dormitory-1st Floor Slab-Electri 240m2 100% 23-07-23 25-07-23 07-08-23 09-08-23 -15 Canteen Dormitory-1st Floor Slab-Concret 240m2 100% 26-07-23 26-07-23 10-08-23 10-08-23 -15 Canteen Dormitory-1st Floor-Column 12nos. 100% 13-08-23 19-08-23 18-08-23 01-09-23 -13 Canteen Dormitory-1st Floor-Stair-1st Fl 1no, 100% 13-08-23 19-08-23 23-08-23 30-08-23 -11 Canteen Dormitory-1st Floor-Stair-2nd Fl 1no. 100% 26-08-23 01-09-23 01-09-23 16-09-23 -15 Canteen Dormitory-2nd Floor-Form Work 240m2 100% 20-08-23 27-08-23 03-09-23 08-09-23 -12 Canteen Dormitory-2nd Floor-Slab-Re-bar 240m2 100% 28-08-23 01-09-23 04-09-23 09-09-23 -8 Canteen Dormitory-2nd Floor Slab-Electri 240m2 100% 31-08-23 01-09-23 16-09-23 16-09-23 -15 Canteen Dormitory-2nd Floor Slab-Concret 240m2 100% 01-09-23 01-09-23 16-09-23 16-09-23 -15 Dormitory-2nd Floor-Column 12nos 100% 04-09-23 02-11-23 04-10-23 03-11-23 -1 Dormitory-2nd Floor-Stair-1st Flight 1no. 100% 27-10-23 02-11-23 23-12-23 23-04-24 -173 Dormitory-2nd Floor-Stair-2nd Flight 1no. 100% 04-12-23 10-12-23 23-12-23 23-04-24 -135 Dormotory-3rd Floor Slab-Formwork 240m2 100% 03-11-23 10-11-23 08-11-23 18-12-23 -38 Dormitory-3rd Floor Slab-Re-bar Work 240m2 100% 06-12-23 10-12-23 18-12-23 18-12-23 -8 Dormitory-3rd Floor Slab-Electrical Pipe 240m2 100% 09-12-23 10-12-23 18-12-23 18-12-23 -8 Dormitory-3rd Floor Slab-Concreting 240m2 100% 10-12-23 10-12-23 23-12-23 23-04-24 -135 Canteen Dormitory-GF Brickwork 111m2 100% 31-07-23 16-08-23 20-09-23 18-10-23 -63 Canteen Dormitory-GF-Door Frame fixing 0nos 100% 11-12-23 17-12-23 26-02-24 26-02-24 -71 Canteen Dormitory-GF-Window Grill Fixing 0nos 100% 11-12-23 17-12-23 26-02-24 26-02-24 -71 Canteen Dormitory-GF-Inside Plastering 468m2 178% 16-08-23 20-08-23 27-10-23 26-02-24 Canteen Dormitory-GF-Khoa-sand cushion 240m2 140% 16-08-23 20-08-23 09-11-23 26-02-24 Canteen Dormitory-GF-Concereting 240m2 100% 16-08-23 21-08-23 26-02-24 26-02-24 -189 Canteen Dormitory-GF-Tiles 240m2 100% 05-12-23 19-12-23 26-02-24 26-02-24 -69 Canteen Dormitory-GF-Door-Window fixing 0nos 100% 18-12-23 20-12-23 26-02-24 26-02-24 -68 Dormatory-GF-Painting 100% 06-12-24 20-12-24 26-02-24 26-02-24 298 Canteen Dormitory-1st Floor-Brickwork 111m2 100% 09-10-23 15-10-23 06-10-23 20-10-23 -5 Canteen Dormitory-1st Floor-Door Frame f 0nos 100% 18-12-23 20-10-23 26-02-24 26-02-24 -129 Canteen Dormitory-1st Floor-Window Grill 0nos 100% 18-12-23 20-12-23 26-02-24 26-02-24 -68 Canteen Dormitory-1st Floor-Plaster work 0m2 100% 15-10-23 21-12-23 26-02-24 26-02-24 -67 Canteen Dormitory-1st Floor-Tile work 0m2 100% 20-12-23 03-01-24 26-02-24 26-02-24 -54 Canteen Dormitory-1st Floor-Door-window 0nos 100% 02-01-24 04-01-24 26-02-24 26-02-24 -53 Dormitory-1st Floor-Painting 100% 21-12-24 04-01-24 26-02-24 26-02-24 -53 Dormitory-1st Floor-False Ceiling-Partit sum 100% 29-12-23 04-01-24 23-04-24 26-02-24 -53 Dormitory-2nd Floor-Brickwork 111m2 100% 08-01-24 17-01-24 23-04-24 23-04-24 -97 Dormitory-2nd Floor-Door Frame fixing 0nos 100% 18-01-24 20-01-24 23-04-24 23-04-24 -94 Dormitory-2nd Floor-Window Grill Fixing 0nos 100% 18-01-24 20-01-24 23-04-24 23-04-24 -94 Dormitory-2nd Floor-Inside Plastering 468m2 100% 12-01-24 21-01-24 23-04-24 23-04-24 -93 Dormitory-2nd Floor-Tiles Fitting 0m2 100% 20-01-24 28-01-24 23-04-24 23-04-24 -86 Dormitory-2nd Floor-Door-Window fixing 0nos 95% 27-01-24 29-01-24 23-04-24 23-04-24 Completed Dormitory-2nd Floor-Inside Painting m2 30% 18-01-24 31-01-24 23-04-24 23-04-24 Completed Dormitory-2nd Floor-False Ceiling-Partit 80% 25-01-24 31-01-24 05-04-24 05-04-24 Completed Dormitory-Parapet Brick Wall 0m2 100% 14-12-23 28-12-23 26-02-24 26-02-24 -60 Dormitory-Outside Plastering 0m2 100% 29-12-23 22-01-24 26-02-24 23-04-24 -92 Dormitory-Waterproof-Rooftop 100% 08-01-24 22-01-24 08-04-24 08-04-24 -77 Dormitory-Outside Painting m2 30% 12-01-24 31-01-24 23-04-24 23-04-24 Completed Dormitory-Stair Railing 100% 25-01-24 31-01-24 05-04-24 23-04-24 -83 Canteen Dormitory-GF-Sanitary Pipe work 1sum 100% 17-08-23 23-08-23 07-11-23 26-02-24 -187 Canteen Dormitory-GF-Plumbing work 1sum 100% 22-12-23 28-12-23 26-02-24 26-02-24 -60 Canteen Dormitory-GF-Electrical Pipe Wor 1sum 100% 17-08-23 23-08-23 31-10-23 31-10-23 -69 Dormitory-GF-Power Distribution Board nos 100% 22-12-23 28-12-23 26-02-24 26-02-24 -60 Dormitory-GF-Cable Tray m 100% 20-08-23 26-08-23 26-02-24 26-02-24 -184 Canteen Dormitory-GF-Electrical Cable wi 1sum 100% 22-12-23 28-12-23 26-02-24 26-02-24 -60 Canteen Dormitory-GF-Sanitary Fixer inst 1sum 100% 04-01-24 10-01-24 26-02-24 26-02-24 -47 Canteen Dormitory-GF-Electrical Switch-s 1sum 100% 08-01-24 10-01-24 26-02-24 26-02-24 -47 Dormitory-1st Floor-Sanitary Pipe Work 1sum 100% 16-10-23 22-10-23 26-02-24 26-02-24 -127 Dormitory-1st Floor-Plumbing Work 1sum 100% 29-12-23 04-01-24 26-02-24 26-02-24 -53 Dormitory-1st Floor-Electrical Pipe Work 1sum 100% 29-12-23 04-01-24 07-11-23 26-02-24 -53 Dormitory-1st Floor-Power Distribution B 0 100% 05-01-24 07-01-24 26-02-24 26-02-24 -50 Dormitory-1st Floor-Cable Tray 1sum 100% 01-01-24 07-01-24 26-02-24 26-02-24 -50 Dormitory-1st Floor-Electric Wiring/Cabl 1sum 100% 08-01-24 14-01-24 26-02-24 26-02-24 -43 Dormitory-1st Floor-Sanitary Fixer 0 100% 05-01-24 05-01-24 26-02-24 26-02-24 -52 Dormitory-1st Floor-Electrical Switch-So 0 100% 04-01-24 05-01-24 26-02-24 26-02-24 -52 Dormitory-2nd Floor-Water-Electrical 0 90% 15-01-24 29-01-24 23-04-24 23-04-24 Completed
3.3.1 Gate House-Pile Boring, Concreting 6nos 100% 28-03-23 29-03-23 19-03-23 21-03-23 8
3.3.2 Gate House-Pile Integrity Test 1nos 100% 17-04-23 19-04-23 14-04-23 14-04-23 5 Gate House-Pile Cap 6nos 100% 03-05-23 07-05-23 08-05-23 12-05-23 -5 Gate House-Foundation Beam 50m 100% 08-05-23 17-05-23 15-05-23 18-05-23 -1
3.3.4 Gate House-Brick Work 35m3 100% 28-05-23 10-06-23 28-05-23 20-06-23 -10
3.3.5 Gate House-Column 6nos 100% 11-06-23 17-06-23 06-06-23 19-06-23 -2
3.3.6 Gate House-Roof Slab 93m2 100% 18-06-23 25-06-23 25-06-23 11-07-23 -16 Gate House-Door Frame fixing 4nos 100% 12-08-23 14-08-23 20-08-23 20-08-23 -6 Gate House-Paster Work 234m2 100% 11-08-23 15-08-23 26-07-23 20-08-23 -5 Gate House-Khoa-sand cushion in floor 93m2 100% 14-08-23 16-08-23 02-08-23 02-08-23 14 Gate House-Floor concreting 93m2 100% 17-08-23 19-08-23 01-09-23 01-09-23 -13 Gate House-Tiles fitting 93m2 100% 20-08-23 24-08-23 26-09-23 04-10-23 -41 Gate House-Door Shutter, Window fixing 11nos 100% 25-08-23 26-08-23 27-10-23 03-11-23 -69 Gate House-Painting m2 100% 09-10-23 15-10-23 08-11-23 10-11-23 -26 Gate House-Electrical Pipe Work 1sum 100% 12-08-23 16-08-23 19-07-23 21-07-23 26 Gate House-Electric cable/wiring 0sum 100% 23-08-23 24-08-23 13-10-23 13-10-23 -50 Gate House-Electrical Switch Socket Fixi 0sum 100% 25-08-23 26-08-23 13-11-23 13-11-23 -79
4.1 Road--Sub-grade Compaction 4817m2 100% 11-07-23 03-01-24 20-07-23 05-04-24 -93
4.2 Sub-base-Car Road-400m 4817m2 100% 06-08-23 10-01-24 22-07-23 05-04-24 -86
4.3 Road-Sub-base-Pedestrain 0m2 80% 19-11-23 17-01-24 23-04-24 23-04-24 Completed
4.4 RCC-Car Road 4817m2 100% 26-12-23 24-01-24 15-10-23 05-04-24 -72
4.5 RCC-Pedstrain 0m2 0% 02-01-24 31-01-24 30-11--1 Started
5.1 Outdoor-Electrical-Power Cable 2916m 100% 11-07-23 15-12-23 04-10-23 26-02-24 -73
5.2 Outdoor-Water Supply Pipe 0 100% 16-12-23 14-01-24 26-02-24 26-02-24 -43
5.3 Outdoor-Sewerage 0 100% 16-12-23 14-01-24 26-02-24 26-02-24 -43
6.1 Hydropower-Main Workshop 0 90% 08-12-23 28-01-24 08-04-24 08-04-24 Completed
6.2 Production Buldg-Hydropower installation 1sum 90% 18-12-23 28-01-24 08-04-24 08-04-24 Completed
6.3 Hydropower-Boiler Room 0 0% 08-12-23 28-01-24 30-11--1 Started
6.4.1 Substation-Roof Slab Electric Pipe Work 100% 11-10-23 13-10-23 22-07-23 22-07-23 83
6.4.2 Sub-station-Wall Electric Pipe Work 0m 100% 16-12-23 23-12-23 08-04-24 08-04-24 -107
6.4.3 Electrical Cable/ Wiring 0m 100% 23-12-23 22-01-24 08-04-24 08-04-24 -77
6.4.4 Sub-station-Switch Socket Fixing 1sum 0% 15-01-24 21-01-24 30-11--1 Started
7 NewHope-Handover 0 0% 31-01-24 31-01-24 30-11--1 Started






Site Photographs
Brick un-loading on 9-01-23
Brick mobilized for shed on 9-01-23
Unloading Materials on 14-01-23
Materials for Shed on 14-01-23
Shed making on 17-01-23
shed making on 17-01-23
Re-bar mobilized on 21-01-23
Re-bar mobilized on 21-01-23
Shed completed on 22-01-23
Shed completed on 22-01-23
Piling Rig mobilized on 29-01-23
Piling Rig Mobilized on 29-01-23
Electrical DB Setting on 31-01-23
Pile Rig Installing on 31-01-23
Pile Point Layout and Survey on 1-02-23
Deep tube well sinking on 1-02-23
Exaction for Pile mud tank on 2-02-23
Pile re-bar spacer block making on 2-02-23
Pile Rig setting on 3-02-23
Excavation for Pile Mud Tank on 3-02-23
Brick-work around Pile point on 5-02-23
Pile Re-bar Work on 5-02-23
Electricity Connection on 6-02-23
Mud Tank making on 6-02-23
Mud Tank-1 Competed on 8-02-23
Inspection before Pile driving on 8-02-23
Pile Driving Starting on 9-02-23
Pile Concreting on 9-02-23
Mud Tank-2 Completed on 12-02-23
Pile Re-bar Work on 12-02-23
Pile boring work on 13-02-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 13-02-23
Pile boring work on 14-02-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 14-02-23
Pile boring work-CB(5+2) out of 69 nos p on 15-02-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 15-02-23
Com. Bldg. 9th pile boring on 16-02-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 16-02-23
Com. Bldg. 12th pile boring on 17-02-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 17-02-23
Com. Bldg. 14th pile boring on 18-02-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 18-02-23
Com. Bldg. 15th pile boring on 19-02-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 19-02-23
Com. Bldg. 17th Pile Boring on 21-02-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 21-02-23
Yesterday no pile bored due to RMC non-availability
BBS no operator, Farida plant disturbed
Com. Bldg. 20th Pile Boring on 22-02-23
Ready mix concreting of pilewort on 22-02-23
Com. Bldg. 22nd pile boring on 23-02-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 23-02-23
Com. Bldg. 24th pile boring on 24-02-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 24-02-23
Com. Bldg. 27th pile boring on 25-02-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 25-02-23
Com. Bldg. 30th pile boring on 26-02-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 26-02-23
Com. Bldg. 33 pile boring on 27-02-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 27-02-23
Com. Bldg. 36 Pile Boring on 28-02-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 28-02-23
Com. Bldg. 39 pile boring on 2-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 2-03-23
Com. Bldg. 41 Pile Boring on 3-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 3-03-23
Com. Bldg. 44 pile boring on 5-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 5-03-23
Com. Bldg. 45 Pile Boring on 6-03-23
Re-bar arrived at site on 6-03-23
Today Less pile bored due to winch m/c. Problem.
Com. Bldg. 46 Pile Boring on 7-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 7-03-23
Com. Bldg. 49 Pile Boring on 8-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 8-03-23
Com. Bldg. 50 Pile Boring on 9-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 9-03-23
Com. Bldg. 52 Pile Boring on 10-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 10-03-23
Com. Bldg. 55 pile boring on 11-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 11-03-23
Com. Bldg. 57 Pile Boring on 12-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 12-03-23
Com. Bldg. 60 Pile Boring on 13-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 13-03-23
Com. Bldg. 63 Pile Boring on 14-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 14-03-23
Com. Bldg. 66 Pile Boring on 16-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 16-03-23
Yesterday no pile driving due to RMC supplier payment
Com. Bldg. 69 Pile Boring on 17-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 17-03-23
Guard House 2nd pile Boring on 19-03-23
Guard House pile concreting by RMC on 19-03-23
Guard House 6th pile Boring on 21-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 21-03-23
Earth cutting for Pile head breaking on 24-03-23
Pile head breaking on 24-03-23
Cantg. Dor. Bldg. 2nd pile boring on 25-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 25-03-23
Dorm. Bldg. 4th pile boring on 26-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 26-03-23
Pile head breaking on 27-03-23
Pile cap earth cutting on 27-03-23
Earth cutting for Pile head breaking on 28-03-23
Pile head breaking on 28-03-23
Dorm. Bldg. 7th pile boring on 29-03-23
MD Sir went to bogura for NH site visit on 29-03-23
Earth cutting and pile head breaking on 30-03-23
Dorm. Bldg. 10th pile concreting on 30-03-23
Dorm. Bldg. 12th pile boring on 31-03-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 31-03-23
Dorm. Bldg. 14th pile boring on 1-04-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 1-04-23
Dorm. Bldg. 16th pile boring on 2-04-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 2-04-23
Dorm. Bldg. 17th pile concreting on 3-04-23
Pile head finishing for test on 3-04-23
Pile cap cc work on 4-04-23
Pile cap bottom cc casting. on 4-04-23
Dorm. Bldg. 19th pile concreting on 5-04-23
Pile cap CC work on 5-04-23
Pile cap cc complete of com. Bldg. on 6-04-23
Dorm. Bldg. 22nd pile casting on 6-04-23
Dorm. Bldg. 26th pile concreting on 7-04-23
Pile head finishing for test on 7-04-23
Dorm. Bldg. 30th pile boring on 8-04-23
Ready mix concreting of pile on 8-04-23
Com. Bldg. Pile Rebar work on 9-04-23
Dorm. Bldg. 32nd pile concreting on 9-04-23
Dorm. Bldg. 34th pile concreting on 10-04-23
Com. Bldg. Pile cap work on 10-04-23
Dorm. Bldg. 37th pile boring on 12-04-23
Ready mix concreting on 12-04-23
Com. Bldg. Pile cap casting on 13-04-23
Dorm. Bldg 38th pile casting on 13-04-23
pile test finish
Dorm. Bldg pile work finish
Pile cap work on 14-04-23
Pile cap rebar work on 14-04-23
Pile Cap rebar binding on 15-04-23
Pile Cap concreting. on 15-04-23
Comp. Bldg. Pile cap casting on 16-04-23
Pile Cap concreting. on 16-04-23
Pile cap casting on 17-04-23
Com. Bldg. Pile cap casting on 17-04-23
Pile cap concreting on 18-04-23
Com. Bldg. 20th pile cap casting complet on 18-04-23
Comp. Bldg. Back filling on 19-04-23
Back filling and levelling dressing. on 19-04-23
C.C work at GB Bottom of comp. Bldg. on 29-04-23
Comp. Bldg. C.C concreting on 29-04-23
19-28 April work stopped due to Eid Vacation
Comp. Bldg. CC casting at GB Bottom on 30-04-23
C.C concreting on 30-04-23
Dorm. Bldg. Earth cutting for PH Breakin on 2-05-23
Comp. Bldg. C.C concreting on 2-05-23
Yesterday work stopped due to May day
Comp. Bldg. GB Re-bar work on 3-05-23
GB Re-bar work on 3-05-23
Re-bar work for GB of comp. Bldg. on 4-05-23
GB Re-bar work on 4-05-23
Comp. Bldg. GB Re-bar work on 5-05-23
MD Sir visit to site on 5-05-23
Comp. GB Shuttering on 6-05-23
Earth cutting for dorm. Bldg. on 6-05-23
Dorm. Bldg. Pile head breaking on 7-05-23
Comp. GB Shuttering on 7-05-23
Comp. Bldg. GB Shuttering work on 8-05-23
Gate pile Cap cc work on 8-05-23
G.House Pile cap work on 9-05-23
Pule head finishing for test on 9-05-23
Dorm. Bldg. pile head breaking on 10-05-23
Pile head breaking on 10-05-23
Pile cap bottom cc work of Dorm. Bldg on 11-05-23
Pile cap CC work on 11-05-23
Comp. Bldg. GB casting work on 12-05-23
Gate house pile cap casting on 12-05-23
Com. GB Shuttering on 13-05-23
Re-bar work on 13-05-23
Comp. Bldg. GB Shuttering work on 14-05-23
GB Shuttering work on 14-05-23
Dorm Bldg pile head breaking on 15-05-23
Com Bldg GB Shuttering on 15-05-23
Comp. Bldg. GB casting work on 16-05-23
GB Concreting on 16-05-23
Dorm Bldg pile cap bottom cc casting on 17-05-23
CC Casting on 17-05-23
Guard House GB Casting on 18-05-23
GB Casting on 18-05-23
Pile load test on 19-05-23
Pile integrity test on 19-05-23
Civil worker on 21-05-23
Sand filling on 21-05-23
Civil worker on 22-05-23
Dorm. Bldg. Pile cap rebar binding on 22-05-23
Dorm Bldg pile cap rebar binding on 23-05-23
Pile cap rebar work on 23-05-23
Comp. Bldg. Column shuttering on 24-05-23
Dorm. Bldg. Pile cap rebar binding on 24-05-23
Dorm. Bldg pile cap work on 25-05-23
Comp. Bldg column work on 25-05-23
Dorm. Bldg pile cap work on 26-05-23
Comp. Bldg column shuttering on 26-05-23
Dorm. Bldg pile cap casting on 28-05-23
Comp. Bldg column casting on 28-05-23
Dorm.Bldg. pile cap casting on 29-05-23
Pile Cap concreting. on 29-05-23
Comp. Bldg. Column casting on 30-05-23
Gate house Brick work on 30-05-23
Civil worker on 31-05-23
Comp. Bldg. Column shutter on 31-05-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab beam line shuttering on 1-06-23
Gate house Brick work on 1-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Stair shuttering on 2-06-23
Gate house Brick work on 2-06-23
Due to RMC plant disturbed Comp bldg column could not finish yesterday
Comp. Bldg. Slab beam line shuttering on 3-06-23
Dorm. Bldg. GB Bottom CC work on 3-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab beam line shuttering on 4-06-23
Dorm. Bldg. Rebar work for GB on 4-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab beam shuttering on 5-06-23
1st flight stair casting on 5-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab and beam shuttering on 6-06-23
Gate house Brick work on 6-06-23
Dorm. Bldg GB Rebar work on 7-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab beam shuttering on 7-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab and beam shuttering on 8-06-23
Dorm. GB work on 8-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab beam shuttering on 9-06-23
Dorm. Bldg. GB shuttering on 9-06-23
Dorm. Bldg GB shutter and rebar work on 10-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab beam shuttering on 10-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab beam shuttering on 11-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Rebar work on 11-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab beam shuttering on 12-06-23
Dorm. Bldg. GB shuttering on 12-06-23
Dorm. Bldg. GB Casting on 13-06-23
Com. Bldg. Slab shuttering on 13-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab beam shuttering on 15-06-23
Gate house work on 15-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab beam shuttering and Reb on 16-06-23
Gate house column shuttering work on 16-06-23
Gate House column casting on 18-06-23
Dorm. Bldg. Column casting on 18-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab beam shuttering and rod on 19-06-23
Gate house work on 19-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab shuttering and Rod bind on 20-06-23
Dorm. Bldg. Column casting on 20-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab Ready for Concrete on 22-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab shutter and Rebar work on 22-06-23
Dorm. Bldg. Column Casting on 23-06-23
Gate House Lintel casting on 23-06-23
Gate House Slab shuttering and rod bindi on 25-06-23
Gate House work on 25-06-23
Com. Bldg. 1st floor slab casting on 27-06-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab casting complete on 27-06-23
Comp. Bldg. 1st floor column Rebar work on 4-07-23
Gate House work on 4-07-23
Project was closed 6 days due to Eid vacation
Comp Bldg-1st floor Column Re-bar work on 6-07-23
Comp Bldg-1st floor Column Re-bar work on 6-07-23
Comp. Bldg. 1st floor column work on 7-07-23
Comp. Bldg. 1st floor column rebar work on 7-07-23
Civil Manpower on 8-07-23
shutter opening on 8-07-23
Civil worker on 9-07-23
Shuttering work on 9-07-23
Gate House Slab casting on 11-07-23
Gate House Slab Casting complete on 11-07-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab shutter opening on 12-07-23
Comp. Bldg. 1st floor column casting on 12-07-23
Comp. Bldg. 1st floor column work on 13-07-23
Comp. Bldg 1st floor column casting on 13-07-23
Comp. Bldg. 1st floor column work on 14-07-23
Comp. Bldg 1st floor roof slab work on 14-07-23
Comp. Bldg. 1st flight stair casting on 16-07-23
Comp. Bldg 2nd floor shuttering on 16-07-23
Comp. Bldg. Slab beam shuttering on 17-07-23
Comp. Bldg. 2nd floor Slab beam shutteri on 17-07-23
Comp. Bldg. 2nd Floor Slab beam shutteri on 18-07-23
Dorm. Bldg. Sand filling on 18-07-23
Materials arrive at site for road on 19-07-23
Comp. Bldg. 2nd floor slab shuttering wo on 19-07-23
Dorm. Bldg. Floor levelling work on 20-07-23
Comp. Bldg. 2nd Slab beam shuttering on 20-07-23
Comp. Bldg. 2nd Floor Slab beam shutteri on 21-07-23
Comp. Bldg. GF Brick work on 21-07-23
Sub-station-Electrical Pipe Work on 22-07-23
Road Sub-base work on 22-07-23
Substation Roof Slab Electrical pipe work delayed due to BBS not completed slab shuttering and re-bar work
Civil Manpower on 23-07-23
Road Sub-base work on 23-07-23
Dorm. Bldg. 1st floor shuttering work on 24-07-23
Comp. Bldg GF Brick work on 24-07-23
Comp. Bldg. on 25-07-23
Dormitory Bldg. on 25-07-23
Dorm. Bldg. 1st flight stair on 26-07-23
Comp. Bldg. 2nd floor work on 26-07-23
Foundation brick work at scale station on 27-07-23
Dorm. Bldg shuttering work on 27-07-23
Comp. Bldg. 2nd Floor rebar work on 28-07-23
Dorm. Bldg shuttering work on 28-07-23
Comp. Bldg Rebar work on 31-07-23
Road work on 31-07-23
Gate House Handover
Rebar binding of Scale on 2-08-23
Tie column work at brick wall on 2-08-23
Comp. 2nd floor slab concreting on 4-08-23
Comp. Bldg. concreting work complete on 4-08-23
Casting start on 04-08-2023 5:30PM and finish on 05-08-2023 5:02AM
Comp.Bldg GF Brick work on 6-08-23
Dormitory 1st Floor Re-bar work on 6-08-23
Comp-GF-Brick Work on 7-08-23
Due to Rain no work on 7-08-23
Due to Rain no work afternoon and night
No work due to rain on 8-08-23
Dormitory Slab Electrical Pipe Laying on 8-08-23
No work due to rain
Dormitory Slab Electric Pipe Laying on 9-08-23
Comp.Bldg.GF Brick work on 9-08-23
Dormitory Slab Concreting not possible due to rain
Dormitory GF Stair 2nd flight concrete c on 10-08-23
Dormitory 1st Floor Slab concrete comple on 10-08-23
Weighing bridge re-bar work on 11-08-23
Road Sub-base work on 11-08-23
Comp-Parapet Brick-work on 14-08-23
Sub-base-Khoa unloading on 14-08-23
Comp-GF Column Concreting on 16-08-23
Road-Excavation-box cutting on 16-08-23
Project was closed on 15 Aug due to National Mourning day.
Sub-base Compaction on 17-08-23
Comp-Parapet Brick-work on 17-08-23
Comp-GF Brickwork on 18-08-23
Road-Sub-basework on 18-08-23
Comp-1st Floor-Shutter Removing on 20-08-23
Gate House-Door Frame Fixing on 20-08-23
Material stock for Road Sub-base on 21-08-23
Road-Sub-base work on 21-08-23
Comp-1st Floor-Brickwork on 22-08-23
Road-Box cutting on 22-08-23
Weighing Bridge Concreting on 23-08-23
Dormatory Column Concreting on 23-08-23
Comp. Bldg. 1st floor brick wall on 24-08-23
Road work on 24-08-23
Dormitory column casting on 25-08-23
Column casting work on 25-08-23
Comp. Bldg plaster work on 26-08-23
Dormitory bldg. Column casting on 26-08-23
Comp. Bldg Column casting on 27-08-23
Comp. Bldg. GF plaster work on 27-08-23
Comp. Bldg. Sanitary work on 29-08-23
Dorm. Bldg. 2nd floor shuttering on 29-08-23
Dorm. Bldg. 1st flight stair casting on 30-08-23
Road Sub-base work on 30-08-23
Gate House floor casting on 1-09-23
Road Sub-base work on 1-09-23
Dorm. Bldg. 2nd floor shuttering work on 3-09-23
Road work on 3-09-23
Comp. Bldg. 1st floor brick wall on 4-09-23
Dorm. Bldg. 2nd floor Shuttering work on 4-09-23
Dorm. Bldg. 2nd floor shuttering work on 6-09-23
Anchor bolt fitting at scale on 6-09-23
Dorm. Bldg. 2nd floor Rebar work on 7-09-23
Comp. Bldg 1st floor sanitary work on 7-09-23
Dorm. Bldg. 2nd floor rebar work on 8-09-23
Road Sub-base work on 8-09-23
Dorm. Bldg. 2nd floor rebar work on 9-09-23
Comp. Bldg. FF Brick work on 9-09-23
Comp. Bldg. 2nd Floor work on 10-09-23
Comp. Bldg. FF Brick work on 10-09-23
Comp. Bldg. Plaster work on 11-09-23
Comp. Bldg floor GF compaction on 11-09-23
Dorm. Bldg. 1st floor brick work on 13-09-23
Road work on 13-09-23
Comp. Bldg work on 15-09-23
Comp. GF Cushion concreting on 15-09-23
Dorm. Bldg. 2nd floor concreting work on 16-09-23
Comp. Bldg. Roof top concreting work on 16-09-23
Comp. Bldg FF plastr wok on 19-09-23
GF cushion wok on 19-09-23
Comp. Bldg. Plaster work on 20-09-23
Dormitory GF-Brick Work on 20-09-23
Dorm. Bldg GF Brick work on 21-09-23
Comp. Bldg 1st fplaster work on 21-09-23
Dorm. Bldg GF Brick work on 22-09-23
Dorm. Brick work on 22-09-23
Dorm.Bldg. GF brick work on 23-09-23
Dorm.Bldg brick work on 23-09-23
Dorm.Bldg. GF brick work on 25-09-23
Dorm. Bldg Brick work on 25-09-23
Gats house tiles work on 26-09-23
Weight scale concretiing on 26-09-23
Comp. Bldg outside scaffolding on 28-09-23
Earth cutting power cable laying on 28-09-23
Comp. GF concreting on 29-09-23
Comp. Bldg. GF casting on 29-09-23
Earth cutting Electric line on 1-10-23
Comp. Roof top parapet work on 1-10-23
Dorm. Stair room column shuttering on 4-10-23
Dorm. 1st floor brick work on 4-10-23
Dorm. Bldg. on 6-10-23
Dorm. Bldg. 1st floor brick work on 6-10-23
Dorm. 1st floor brick work on 7-10-23
Dorm. Bldg Brick work on 7-10-23
Comp. Bldg. Prepared for Out side plaste on 8-10-23
Dorm. Bldg. Roof top column casting on 8-10-23
Comp. Bldg. Outside plaster work on 9-10-23
Comp. Bldg. GF casting on 9-10-23
Dorm. Bldg. Brick work on 10-10-23
Comp. Bldg. Outside plaster work on 10-10-23
Comp. Bldg. Outside plaster work on 11-10-23
Road work on 11-10-23
Comp. Bldg. Outside plaster work on 13-10-23
Dorm. Bldg. Roof top Column work on 13-10-23
Road work on 14-10-23
Comp. Bldg. Outside plaster work on 14-10-23
Comp. Bldg. Outside plaster work on 15-10-23
Road work on 15-10-23
Comp. Bldg. Outside plaster work on 16-10-23
Comp. Bldg. GF casting on 16-10-23
Comp. Bldg. Outside plaster work on 18-10-23
Road casting work on 18-10-23
Comp. Building-Outside Plastering on 20-10-23
Comp. Building-Outside Plastering on 20-10-23
Dorm. Bldg. 2nd floor column work on 25-10-23
Ceiling plaster on 25-10-23
Comp. Bldg. Door shutter work on 26-10-23
Comp. Bldg. on 26-10-23
Dormitory-GF-Ceiling Plastering on 27-10-23
Electrical Cable Received on 27-10-23
Gate House door fixed on 31-10-23
PPR Pipe Received on 31-10-23
Dorm. Bldg. Ceiling Plaster on 1-11-23
Comp. Bldg. GF Tiles work on 1-11-23
Dorm. Bldg. 2nd floor concreting work on 2-11-23
Dorm. Bldg. Plaster work on 2-11-23
Dorm. Bldg. 2nd floor column work on 3-11-23
Power cable laying work on 3-11-23
Dorm. Bldg. 2nd floor shuttering work on 6-11-23
Sanitary group cutting on 6-11-23
Gate House Thai work on 7-11-23
Dormitory canopy on 7-11-23
Dorm. Bldg. 3rd floor slab shuttering on 8-11-23
Gate roof top water proofing casting on 8-11-23
Dorm. Bldg. 3rd floor shuttering work on 9-11-23
Dorm. Bldg. GF sand khoa cushion on 9-11-23
Dorm. Bldg. GF Concreting on 10-11-23
Gate House Painting on 10-11-23
Dormitory-3rd Floor Slab Re-bar Work on 18-12-23
Dormitory-3rd Floor Slab Electrical Pipe on 18-12-23
Dormitory-3rd Floor Slab Concreting on 23-12-23
Dormitory-3rd Floor Slab Concreting on 23-12-23
Comp.Bldg. Front View on 2-02-24
Comp.Bldg. Roof Top on 2-02-24
Comprehensive Building Handover
Dormitory-Outside on 26-02-24
Dormitory-Inside-Toilet Area on 26-02-24
Dormitory-two story handover
Road-Re-bar work on 5-04-24
Road-RCC on 5-04-24
RCC-Car Road Handover
Electrical Work on 8-04-24
Electrical Work on 8-04-24
Dormitory-2nd Floor Painting on 23-04-24
Dormitor-2nd Floor-Corridor on 23-04-24
Project closed from 09 to 16 April, 2024 due to Eid-ul Fitre