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From 1-October-2024 to 17-October-2024
Project Code: 31Name:New Hope Agrotech-Munshiganj
Client: New Hope Agrotech BD Ltd. Contractor:Sarker Steel Ltd.
Progress as on: 17-October-2024
WBSWork Description
Total QuantityUpto 30-09-24This MonthTotal Done Schedule StartSchedule FinishActual Finish
03.5.1 Pile Load Test-PDA-Pile Development 3nos 0% 100% 100% 10-10-24 13-10-24 16-10-24
03.6 Wooden Shore Piling 135nos. 0% 100% 100% 06-10-24 12-10-24 07-10-24
04.01 Excavation 1982m3 0% 78% 78% 08-10-24 06-11-24 16-10-24
04.02 Pile head breaking 79nos -6% 88% 82% 10-10-24 08-11-24 17-10-24
04.03.1 Pile Cap-Lean Concrete 18nos 23% 44% 67% 17-10-24 11-11-24 16-10-24
04.03.3 Pile Cap-Brick Shuttering 18nos 0% 17% 17% 20-10-24 13-11-24 13-10-24
04.04.1 Tank Base-Lean Concrete 2Nos -30% 110% 80% 07-11-24 08-11-24 16-10-24
04.04.5 Tank Base-Side Brick Shutter 2nos -50% 135% 85% 12-11-24 13-11-24 17-10-24



Site Photographs
Earth excavation on 1-10-24Re-bar straighting on 1-10-24
Earth excavation on 2-10-24Old base-column found during excavation on 2-10-24
During excavating old foundation with column found
In Grid-1 in between C and D
Obstacle RCC dismantling on 3-10-24Earth excavation on 3-10-24
Dismantling RCC foundation found during excavation
Money and Time wastage
Pile Head breaking on 4-10-24Wooden pile driving on 4-10-24
Due to rain work stopped
Old base breaking on 5-10-24Earth excavation on 5-10-24
Wooden shore pile driving on 6-10-24Earth Excavation on 6-10-24
Earth excavation on 7-10-24Pile head breaking on 7-10-24
Excavated earth dumping on 8-10-24Dismantling by hydraulic breaker on 8-10-24
Dismantling old foundation 17 m3
By Hydraulic hammer
Earth excavation on 9-10-24Old base dismantling by hydraulic hammer on 9-10-24
Old base dismantling 11 m3 by hydraulic hammer
Pile Load Test-PDA-Pile Development on 10-10-24Water Reservoir Base CC-Bottom on 10-10-24
Old base dismantling 4 m3 by hydraulic hammer
Dewatering on 11-10-24Pile head breaking on 11-10-24
Checking before pile cap lean concreting on 12-10-24Pile cap lean concreting on 12-10-24
Due to rain work started late
Pile cap side brick shuttering on 13-10-24Earth excavation manually on 13-10-24
Wooden shore piling 14 nos.
Earth excavation on 14-10-24Shoring on 14-10-24
Wooden pile driving 41 nos.
Inspection before CC at -5200 mm on 15-10-24CC at level -5200 finished on 15-10-24
Excavation, brick-shuttering, steel shut on 16-10-24Pile Cap Lean concreting on 16-10-24
Pile head breaking on 17-10-24Water tank base brick wall shuttering on 17-10-24