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From 21-January-2023 to 29-April-2023
Project Code: 62 Name: Cityscape Tower Col Beam Ext-L-14-17
Client: Cityscape Contractor: Cityscape International Ltd.
Progress as on: 29-April-2023
Total Duration: 98 days Total Working Days: 37 Total Manpower: 187
Planning Progress = 73.8% Acual Progress = 69.3% SPI: 0.94 Behind Schedule
WBS Work Description
Total Quantity Total Done Schedule Start Schedule Finish Actual Start Actual Finish Lead-Lag(day) Not Yet
1.1 Contractor Selection 1sum 100% 07-01-23 08-01-23 08-01-23 08-01-23 0
1.2.1 Outer Glass Removal-L-13 1sum 100% 09-01-23 15-01-23 21-01-23 26-01-23 -11
1.2.2 Safety Installation-L-14 1sum 100% 16-01-23 22-01-23 21-01-23 26-01-23 -4
1.2.3 Steel Fabrication Work L-14 1sum 100% 23-01-23 05-02-23 26-01-23 13-02-23 -8
1.2.4 Civil Work L-14 1sum 100% 06-02-23 12-02-23 21-01-23 13-02-23 -1
1.3.1 Outer Glass Removal-L-14 1sum 100% 13-02-23 19-02-23 26-01-23 31-01-23 19
1.3.2 Safety Installation-L-15 1sum 100% 20-02-23 26-02-23 26-01-23 02-02-23 24
1.3.3 Steel Fabrication L-15 1sum 100% 27-02-23 12-03-23 13-02-23 20-02-23 20
1.3.4 Civil work L-15 1sum 100% 13-03-23 19-03-23 22-02-23 25-02-23 22
2.1.01 L-16-Scaffolding and Safety Instal 1sum 100% 20-03-23 26-03-23 27-02-23 18-03-23 8
2.1.02 L-16-Podema Board removin 1sum 100% 27-03-23 31-03-23 20-03-23 09-04-23 -9
2.1.03 L-16-Old Column Concrete Demolis 1sum 100% 01-04-23 05-04-23 20-03-23 29-03-23 7
2.1.04 L-16-Dropwall old concrete dismant 1sum 100% 01-04-23 05-04-23 29-03-23 31-03-23 5
2.1.05 L-16-Col Beam Ext-Re-bar Fabricat 1sum 100% 06-04-23 10-04-23 01-04-23 18-04-23 -8
2.1.06 L-16-Col Beam Ext-Shutterin 1sum 100% 11-04-23 13-04-23 05-04-23 18-04-23 -5
2.1.07 L-16-Col Beam Ext-Concretin 1sum 100% 14-04-23 14-04-23 05-04-23 19-04-23 -5
2.1.08 L-16-Drop Wall-Re-bar Work 1sum 0% 02-05-23 04-05-23 0
2.1.09 l-16-Drop Wall-Shuttering 1sum 5% 30-04-23 06-05-23 29-04-23 29-04-23 7
2.1.10 L-16-Dropwall Concreting 1sum 0% 07-05-23 08-05-23 0
2.2.1 L-17-Scaffolding and Safety Install 1sum 0% 15-04-23 01-05-23 0 Started
2.2.2 L-17-Podema Board removing 1sum 0% 02-05-23 06-05-23 0
2.2.3 L-17-Old Concrete Demolish 1sum 0% 07-05-23 11-05-23 0
2.2.4 L-17-Col Beam Ext-Re-bar Fabricatn 1sum 0% 12-05-23 16-05-23 0
2.2.5 L-17-Col Beam Ext-Shuttering 1sum 0% 17-05-23 19-05-23 0
2.2.6 L-17-Col Beam Ext-Concreting 1sum 0% 20-05-23 20-05-23 0






Site Photographs
on 21-01-23
on 21-01-23
Chemical Bolt fixing on 26-01-23
on 26-01-23
on 31-01-23
on 31-01-23
South-side safety tray & net complete on 2-02-23
I-Joist Lifting on 16th Floor on 2-02-23
No Helmet, safety shoe & Hand gloves (right-side)
Shifting from L-17 to 15 on 5-02-23
Keeping L-15 on 5-02-23
Level-14-Steel Work on 8-02-23
on 8-02-23
Lavel-14 Decking Slab complete on 13-02-23
Level-14 Slab concrete completed on 13-02-23
L-15 Anchor bolt drilling on 15-02-23
L-15 Anchor bolt drilling on 15-02-23
L-15-Steel Fabrication on 18-02-23
L-15-Steel Fabrication on 18-02-23
Level-15 Decking Slab fixing on 20-02-23
L-15 Decking Slab fixing on 20-02-23
Old Slab concrete chipping on 22-02-23
For Re-bar lapping & welding on 22-02-23
Level-15-Ext Slab Concreting on 25-02-23
Level-15-Ext Slab Concreting on 25-02-23
L-14-Ext Decking and Beam Painting on 27-02-23
L-14-Ext Decking and Beam Painting on 27-02-23
L-16-Safety Installation on 1-03-23
L-16-Safety Installation on 1-03-23
L-16-Safety installation on 4-03-23
L-16-Safety installation on 4-03-23
L-16-Safety installation on 6-03-23
L-16-Safety installation on 6-03-23
L-16 Safety installation on 9-03-23
L-16-Safety installation on 9-03-23
L-16-West side safety work on 12-03-23
L-16-West side safety work on 12-03-23
L-16-West side safety net hanging on 14-03-23
L-16-West side safety net hanging on 14-03-23
L-16-West side safety net hanging on 15-03-23
L-16-West side safety net hanging on 15-03-23
L-16-Safety installation on 18-03-23
L-16-Safety installation on 18-03-23
L-16 Scaffolding on 20-03-23
L-16-Scaffolding on 20-03-23
L-16-Old concrete removing on 22-03-23
L-16-Old concrete removing on 22-03-23
L-16-Existing Column top dismantling on 27-03-23
L-16-Existing Column top dismantling on 27-03-23
L-16-Dropwall old concrete dismantling on 29-03-23
L-16-Dropwall old concrete dismantling on 29-03-23
L-17-Slab chpping on 30-03-23
L-17-Slab chpping on 30-03-23
L-16-Scaffolding on 31-03-23
L-16-Scaffolding on 31-03-23
L-16-Column Stirrups making on 1-04-23
L-16-Scaffolding on 1-04-23
L-16-Column Stirrups making on 2-04-23
L-16-Re-bar fixing on 2-04-23
L-16-Column Re-bar on 5-04-23
L-16-Column concrete mixing on 5-04-23
L-16-Column Shuttering on 9-04-23
L-16-Column Re-bar Work on 9-04-23
L-16-Column shuttering on 11-04-23
L-16-Column concreting on 11-04-23
L-16-Column shuttering on 13-04-23
L-16-Column concreting on 13-04-23
L-16-Beam bottom shuttering on 15-04-23
L-16-Beam Re-bar fabrication on 15-04-23
L-16-Beam shuttering on 18-04-23
L-16-Beam shuttering on 18-04-23
L-16-Column curing chemical applying on 19-04-23
L-16-Beam concreting complete on 19-04-23
L-16-Beam Shutter removing on 29-04-23
L-16-Drop Wall Shuttering on 29-04-23
Work stopped 21-28 Apr due to Eid Vacation