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From 1-May-2021 to 31-May-2021
Project Code: 56Name:River Front Satellite City
Client: Sikder Group Contractor:Cityscape International Ltd.
Progress as on: 31-May-2021
WBSWork Description
Total QuantityUpto 30-04-21This MonthTotal Done Schedule StartSchedule FinishActual Finish
05.10 Outside Plaster-Building-N 84% 2% 86% 11-01-21 09-02-21 31-05-21
05.11 Outside Plaster-Building-Q 90% 1% 91% 18-01-21 16-02-21 09-05-21
05.12 Outside Plaster-Building-R 94% 1% 95% 18-01-21 16-02-21 01-05-21
07.04.4 Mosque-Basement Tile work 790m2 47% 5% 52% 10-04-21 19-04-21 31-05-21
07.04.5 Mosque-Basement-Ancillary Works 20% 10% 30% 16-04-21 25-05-21 04-05-21
07.05.4 Mosque-Ground Floor-Ancillary works 15% 15% 30% 16-04-21 25-05-21 31-05-21
08.1 Landing Station-Excavation 0% 5% 5% 22-05-21 04-06-21 22-05-21



Site Photographs
Drop Wall Shuttering on 1-05-21Out-side Plaster Workon 1-05-21
Out-side Plastering on 2-05-21Mosque-Gr./1st Floor-Ancillary Workson 2-05-21
Mosque-Gr/1st Floor-Anciliary works on 4-05-21Out-side Plaster Workon 4-05-21
Bulding-Q-Out-side Plastering on 9-05-21Bulding-Q-Out-side Plasteringon 9-05-21
Landing Station-Excavation on 22-05-21Landing Station-Excavationon 22-05-21
Project Closed 10-21 May due to Eid-ul Fitre Vacation
on 30-05-21on 30-05-21
Mosque-Basement-Tile Work on 31-05-21Mosque-Ground Floor-Ancillary Workson 31-05-21