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PWD RATE SCHEDULE-2018 Updating..
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Code Item Unit Cost(Tk.) Unit Rate(Tk.)
2001 Manufacturing, supplying, fitting and fixing of stair railing of standard height of any design and shape with square box (2 each tread) made by through welding of 2 nos. 19 mm x 19 mm x 3 mm M.S. angle to provide hand-rail, engraving each box 150mm in the concrete by 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm anchor plate at base, welding 38 mm x 6mm F.I. bar inclined plain with the top of the box to fit in the grooved wooden rail by necessary screws including cutting grooves in concrete, mending good the damages with cement concrete (1:2:4), applying french polish of approved quality and colour to wooden hand rail, 2 (two) coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality over an anti-corrosive prime coat etc. complete in all respect for all floors and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Exposed area excluding hand rail of railing will be considered for measurement, rate is excluding the cost of wood for hand-rail and cost of painting, polish). sqm
2002 Manufacturing, supplying, fitting and fixing of stair railing of standard height of any design and shape with square box (2 nos. box in each tread) made by through welding of 2nos. 25 mm x 25 mm x 5 mm M.S. angle, engraving each box 150 mm in the concrete by 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm anchor plate at base, welding 50 mm x 6 mm F.I. bar in inclined plain with the top of the box fitted in the grooved wooden rail and 2 Nos. 225 mm x25 mm finished section of wooden strip fitted and fixed at mid height of railing at both side of M.S. angle box in inclined p lain parallel to the hand rail etc. fitted and fixed by necessary screws, nails including cutting grooves in concrete, mending good the damages with cement concrete (1:2:4), applying french polish of approved quality and colour to wooden hand rail and inclined wooden strip and painting to F.I bar and square box with 2 (two) coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality and colour over an anti-corrosive prime coat etc. complete in all respect for all floors and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Exposed area excluding hand rail of railing will be considered for measurement, rate is excluding the cost of wood for hand-rail, wooden strip and cost of painting, polish). sqm
200301 Supplying, fitting and fixing 12 mm dia of 2.65 mm thick G.I pipe stair railing of standard height of any design and shape with 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm M.S. plate at the base of 12 mm dia G.I. Pipe and fitted and fixed by welding. Placing the pipes vertically @ 250 mm c/c (1 nos. in each steps) 150 mm embedded into the R.C.C tread of stair case after cutting grooves and mending good the damages with C.C. and providing 38 mm x 6 mm F.I. bar on the top of G.I. pipe to provide wooden hand rail of any design applying french polish of approved quality and colour to wooden hand rail and painting with 2 (two) coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality and colour over an anti-corrosive prime coat etc. complete in all respect for all floors and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Exposed area excluding hand rail of railing will be considered for measurement, rate is excluding the cost of wood for hand-rail With the provision of hand rail of size: 150 mm x 62 mm (finished) sqm
200302 G.I pipe stair railing-With the provision of hand rail of size: 112 mm x 62 mm (finished) sqm
200401 Supplying, fitting and fixing of 12 mm dia of 2.65 mm thick G.I pipe stair railing of standard height and design and shape with 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm M.S. plate at the base of 12 mm dia G.I. Pipe and fitting and fixing by welding. Placing the pipes vertically @ 125 mm c/c (2 nos. in each steps) 150 mm embedded into the R.C.C tread of stair case after cutting grooves and mending good the damages with C.C. and providing 40 mm dia of 3.20 mm thick G.I. pipe hand rail on the top of vertical G.I. pipe, applying 2 (two) coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality and color over an anti-corrosive prime coat etc. all complete in all respect for all floors and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Exposed area of railing will sqm
200402 Supplying, fitting and fixing of 12 mm dia of 2.65 mm thick G.I pipe stair railing of standard height and design and shape with 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm M.S. plate at the base of 12 mm dia G.I. Pipe and fitting and fixing by welding. Placing the pipes vertically @ 125 mm c/c (2 nos. in each steps) 150 mm embedded into the R.C.C tread of stair case after cutting grooves and mending good the damages with C.C. and providing 50 mm dia of 3.20 mm thick G.I. pipe hand rail on the top of vertical G.I. pipe, applying 2 (two) coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality and color over an anti-corrosive prime coat etc. all complete in all respect for all floors and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Exposed area of railing will be considered for measurement, rate is excluding the cost of paint). sqm
200501 Manufacturing, supplying, fitting and fixing of stair railing of standard height of any design and shape with 75mm x 50mm x 3mm MS box for hand rail and 03 nos vertical post of 75mm x 50mm x 3mm MS box in each flight, welding the vertical post box with 100 mm x 100 mm x 6 mm anchor base plate and fixing with concrete of stair by royal bolt, welding MS box or MS F.I bar of any shape and design horizontally between the vertical post @ 125 mm c/c, applying 2 (two) coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved qu ality and color over an anti-corrosive prime coat etc. finished in all respect for all floors and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Exposed area of railing will be considered for measurement, rate is excluding the cost of painting). With F.I bar of size: 38 mm x 6 mm sqm
200502 Stair railing of standard height of any design and shape with 75mm x 50mm x 3mm MS box for hand rail and 03 nos vertical post of 75mm x 50mm x 3mm MS box in each flight With F.I bar of size: 38 mm x 6 mm sqm
200601 Manufacturing, supplying, fitting and fixing of stair railing of standard height of any design and shape with 75 mm x 75 mm finished wood for hand rail and vertical post, fitting with 02 Nos. frames (150 mm space between the two frames and vertical wooden post) of 50 mm x 25 mm 1.5 mm MS box in each flight and welding 50 mm x 6 mm F.I. bar horizontally in each frame @ 150 mm c/c, fixing the rail, post and frames by necessary screws, nails, bolts with concrete of stair, applying french polish of approved quality and colour to wooden hand r ail, 2 (two) coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality over an anti-corrosive prime coat etc. complete in all respect for all floors and accepted by the Engineer-in- charge. (Exposed area excluding hand rail of railing will be considered for measurement, rate is excluding the cost of wood for hand-rail and cost of painting, polish). sqm
2006021 Manufacturing, supplying, fitting and fixing of stair railing of standard height of any design and shape with 100mm x 50mm finished wood for hand rail, 75mm x 50mm x 3mm MS box for vertical post (total 4 nos. post per flight) fitting by welding on 100 mm x 100 mm x 6 mm anchor plate at base, welding MS box or MS F.I bar of any shape and design horizontally between the vertical post @ 125 mm c/c , welding 50 mm x 6 mm F.I. bar in inclined fitted in the grooved wooden rail by necessary screws, nails, mend ing good the damages with cement concrete (1:2:4), applying french polish of approved quality and colour to wooden hand rail, 2 (two) coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality over an anti-corrosive prime coat etc. complete in all respect for all floors and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Exposed area excluding hand rail of railing will be considered for measurement, rate is excluding the cost of wood for hand-rail and cost of painting, polish). With MS box of size: 38 mm x 12 mm of 1.5 mm wall thikness sqm
2006022 Stair railing of standard height of any design and shape with 100mm x 50mm finished wood for hand rail With F.I bar of size: 38 mm x 6 mm sqm
200603 Manufacturing, supplying, fitting and fixing of stair railing of standard height of any design and shape with 100mm x 62mm finished wood for hand rail, fixing with 75mm x 38mm x 3mm MS box of 400mm length which fitting between 2 nos. 75mm x 38mm x 3mm MS box (total 3 nos. post per flight) welding on 150 mm x 150 mm x 6 mm anchor plate at base, 01 no 75mm x 38mm x 3mm MS box (200 mm space from top wooden rail) inclined with top and 01 no 75mm x 38mm x 3mm MS box (fitted with plain concrete surface of stair by royal bolt) inclined with botto m, both welding with vertical post, welding 1.5 mm thick 20mm dia MS pipe @ 125mm c/c horizontally between the MS vertical post, welding 50 mm x 6 mm F.I. bar in inclined fitted in the grooved wooden rail by necessary screws, nails, mending good the damages with cement concrete (1:2:4), applying french polish of approved quality and colour to wooden hand rail, 2 (two) coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality over an anti-corrosive prime coat etc. complete in all respect for all floors and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Exposed area excluding hand rail of railing will be consi dered for measurement, rate is excluding the cost of wood for hand-rail and cost of painting, polish). sqm
2007 Manufacturing, supplying, fitting and fixing of stair railing of standard height of any design and shape with 100mm x 62mm finished wood for hand rail, fixed with 50mm x 25mm x 2mm SS box of 400mm length which fitting between 2 nos. 50mm x 25mm x 2mm SS box (total 3 nos. post per flight) welding on 100 mm x 100 mm x 6 mm anchor plate at base, 01 no 50mm x 25mm x 2mm SS box (200 mm space from wooden rail) inclined with top and 01 no 50mm x 25mm x 2mm SS box (fitted with plain concrete surface of stair by royal bolt) inclined with bottom, b oth welding with vertical post, welding 1.5 mm thick 20mm dia SS pipe 125mm c/c horizontally between the SS vertical post, welding 50 mm x 6 mm F.I. bar in inclined fitted in the grooved wooden rail by necessary screws, nails, mending good the damages with cement concrete (1:2:4) including polishing of SS box and pipe, applying french polish of approved quality and colour to wooden hand rail, 2 (two) coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality and color over an anti-corrosive prime coat etc. complete in all respect for all floors and accepted by the Engineer-in- charge. (Exposed area excluding hand rail of railing will be considered for measurement, rate is excluding the cost of wood for hand-rail and cost of painting, polish of wood). sqm
200801 Supplying, fitting and fixing stainless steel (SS) stair railing of standard height with 2 mm thick 62 mm dia SS pipe for hand-rail, 2 mm thick 40 mm dia 5 nos vertical SS pipes in each flight, 1.5 mm thick 20 mm dia 5 nos horizontal SS pipes as per drawing, design including carrying, polishing, fabricating, welding and fixing with tread by 25 mm long royal bolt etc.all complete and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. sqm
200802 Supplying, fitting and fixing stainless steel (SS) stair railing of standard height with 2 mm thick 62 mm x 25 mm SS Box for hand-rail fixing with 2 nos of consecutive SS vertical post of 2 mm thick 50 mm x 18 mm SS Box (4 nos vertical support in each flight, each vertical support containing 2 nos of consecutive SS vertical box of 125 mm space) fixing with tread by 75 mm long royal bolt, welding 1.5 mm thick 38 mm x 12 mm 5 nos horizontal SS Box between vertical support as per drawing, design including carrying, polishing, fabricati ng, welding etc.all complete and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. sqm
200901 Supplying, fitting and fixing 10 mm thick tempered glass railing in stair with 62 mm dia 2 mm thick SS pipe for hand rail, 04 nos 62 mm x 50 mm x 2 mm SS vertical box post (having 4 nos. SS glass holder and 1 no rail holder) in each flight fitting and fixing with 65 mm x 55 mm x 6 mm SS base plate including welding, bending, fabricating, polishing all complete as per drawing, desing and specification etc in all respect and accepted by Engineer-in-charge. sqm
200902 Supplying, fitting and fixing 10 mm thick tempered glass railing in stair of standard height with 2 mm thick 62 mm dia SS pipe for hand-rail, 2 mm thick 62 mm dia SS vertical post (4 nos. post in each flight) having 1 no. pipe holder at the top to provide top rail and 4 nos. SS glass holder to fit the tempered glass, welding vertical post on 100 mm x 100 mm x 6 mm SS base plate and fitting base plate with the tread by 50mm long royal bolt including welding, bending, fabricating, polishing all complete as per draw ing, desing and specification etc in all respect and accepted by Engineer-in-charge. sqm
200903 Supplying, fitting and fixing 10 mm thick tempered glass railing in stair of standard height with 2 mm thick 62 mm dia SS pipe for hand-rail, fixing rail with the glass by SS holder, fitting the tempered glass with 150mm/200 mm long SS glass clamp (4 nos. clamp in each flight), welding the SS glass clamp on 100 mm x 100 mm x 6 mm SS base plate and fitting base plate with the tread by 50mm long royal bolt including welding, bending, fabricating, polishing all complete as per drawing, desing and specification etc in all r espect and accepted by Engineer-in-charge. sqm
200904 Supplying, fitting and fixing 10 mm thick tempered glass railing in stair of standard height with 2 mm thick 62 mm dia SS pipe for hand-rail, 2 mm thick 50 mm x 25 mm SS vertical post (4 nos. post in each flight) having 1 no. pipe holder at the top to provide top rail and 2 nos. SS glass holder to fit the tempered glass, welding vertical post on 100 mm x 100 mm x 6 mm SS base plate and fitting base plate on outer side of the tread by 75mm long royal bolt including welding, bending, fabricating, polishing all complete as per drawing, desing and specification etc in all respect and accepted by Engineer-in-charge. sqm
201401 Supplying, fitting and fixing verandah railing with 2 mm thick 50 mm dia SS hand rail, 1.5 mm thick 20 mm dia 5 nos SS horizontal pipes, 2 mm thick 50 mm x 25 mm SS box vertical post @ 450 mm c/c. Among the vertical box post, 5 nos box posts will be fitted with floor bed by 65 mm x 55 mm x 6 mm SS plate, remaining SS box post will be fitted and fixed with 50 mm x 25 mm x 2 mm SS horizontal box at bottom (50 mm above from floor) including all fittings, fixtures, polishing, carrying etc. all complete as per approved design and drawing and ac cepted by the Engineer-in-charge. sqm
201402 Supplying, fitting and fixing verandah railing with 2 mm thick 62 mm dia SS hand rail, 1.5 mm thick 25 mm square SS box @150mm c/c vertically, 2 mm thick 50 mm dia SS vertical post @ 900 mm c/c, 2 nos 1.5 mm thick 38mm x 38mm square SS box fitting horizontally at 125mm below from top rail and 125mm above from floor, vertical box posts will be fitted with floor bed by 65 mm x 55 mm x 6 mm SS plate including all fittings, fixtures, polishing, carrying etc. all complete as per approved design and drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. sqm
201403 Supplying, fitting and fixing verandah railing of standard height with 2 mm thick 62 mm dia SS pipe for hand-rail, 2mm thick 75mm x 75mm SS square vertical post having pipe holder to provide hand rail and SS knob for horizontal pipe @ 900mm c/c fitting by welding on 150 mm x 150 mm x 6 mm SS anchor plate at base, base plate fitting with the floor by 50mm long royal bolt, 1.5 mm thick 25 mm dia 8 nos horizontal SS pipes fitting with SS knob of vertical post including carrying, polishing fabricating etc. all complete and accepted by the E ngineer-in-charge. sqm
201404 Supplying, fitting and fixing verandah railing of standard height with 2 mm thick 62 mm dia SS pipe for hand-rail, 2 mm thick 50mm dia vertical SS post having pipe holder to provide hand rail and SS knob for horizontal pipe @ 900mm c/c fitting by welding on 150 mm x 150 mm x 6 mm SS anchor plate at base, base plate fitting with the floor by 50mm long royal bolt, 1.5 mm thick 25 mm dia 8 nos horizontal SS pipes fitting with SS knob of vertical post including carrying, polishing fabricating etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer-in -charge. sqm
201501 Supplying, fitting and fixing 10 mm thick tempered glass railing in verandah with 62mm dia 2 mm thick SS pipe for hand rail, 62 mm x 50 mm x 2 mm SS vertical box fitted with concrete slab by 100 mm x 55 mm x 6 mm SS plate @ 600 mm c/c and base plate fitting with the floor by 50mm long royal bolt including all fittings, fixtures as per drawing, desing and specification etc all complete in all respect and accepted by Engineer-in-charge. sqm
201502 Supplying, fitting and fixing 10 mm thick tempered glass railing in verandah of standard height with 2 mm thick 62 mm dia SS pipe for hand-rail, 2 mm thick 50 mm dia SS vertical post having pipe holder to provide hand rail and SS glass holder @ 900mm c/c fitting by welding on 100 mm x 100 mm x 6 mm SS anchor plate at base, base plate fitting with the floor by 50mm long royal bolt, 10 mm thick Tempered glass fitting between the post through glass holder as per drawing, design including carrying, polishing fabricating etc. all compl ete and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. sqm
201503 Supplying, fitting and fixing 10 mm thick tempered glass railing in verandah of standard height with 1.5 mm thick 50mm x 15mm SS U channel at top of rail, fitting the tempered glass with 150mm/200 mm long SS glass clamp @ 900mm c/c, welding the SS glass clamp on 100 mm x 100 mm x 6 mm SS base plate and fitting base plate with the floor by 50mm long royal bolt including welding, bending, fabricating, polishing all complete as per drawing, desing and specification etc in all respect and accepted by Engineer- in-charge. sqm
2016 Supplying, fitting and fixing 10 mm thick tempered glass railing in verandah of standard height with 3mm thick 50mm x 50mm square MS box for hand rail, 3mm thick 75mm x 38mm mm MS vertical post box @ 900 mm c/c fitting by welding on 150 mm x 100 mm x 6 mm anchor plate at base, base plate fitting with the floor by 50mm long royal bolt, fitting 10mm thick tempered glass between the vertical post through glass holder, applying 2 (two) coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality over an anti-corrosive prime coat including all other accesso ries and carrying, fabricating etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Rate is excluding the cost of painting). sqm
201701 Supplying, fitting and fixing verandah railing of standard height with 3mm thick 75mm x 50mm MS box for vertical post box @ 900 mm c/c fitting by welding on 150 mm x 100 mm x 6 mm anchor plate at base, base plate fitting with the floor by 50mm long royal bolt, 3mm thick 50mm x 38mm MS horizontal box fitting with the vertical post by welding @ 150 mm c/c including all other accessories and carrying, febrication, applying 2 (two) coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality over an anti-corrosive prime coat etc. comp lete in all respect for all floors and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Exposed area of railing will be considered for measurement, rate is excluding the cost of painting). sqm
201702 Supplying, fitting and fixing verandah railing of standard height with 5mm thick 75mm x 75mm MS box for vertical post box @ 900 mm c/c fitting by welding on 150 mm x 150 mm x 6 mm anchor plate at base, base plate fitting with the floor by 50mm long royal bolt, fitting 5mm thick 50mm x 50mm MS horizontal box with the vertical post by welding at top of rail and 125mm above from the floor, 3mm thick 25mm x 25mm MS square box fitting by welding vertically @ 150 mm c/c between the top and bottom rail including all other acces sories and carrying, febrication, applying 2 (two) coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality over an anti-corrosive prime coat etc. complete in all respect for all floors and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Exposed area of railing will be considered for measurement, rate is excluding the cost of painting). sqm
201703 Supplying, fitting and fixing verandah railing of standard height with 5mm thick 75mm x 50mm MS box for vertical post box @ 900 mm c/c fitting by welding on 150 mm x 150 mm x 6 mm anchor plate at base, base plate fitting with the floor by 50mm long royal bolt, 5mm thick 75mm x 50mm MS horizontal box fitting by welding with the vertical post for hand rail, 2 nos. 5mm thick 50mm x 50mm MS horizontal box fitting with the vertical post by welding 125 mm below the top rail and 125 mm above the floor, 3mm thick 25mm x 25mm MS square box fitt ing by welding vertically @ 150 mm c/c between the 2 nos. 50mm x 50mm horizontal MS box including all other accessories and carrying, febrication, applying 2 (two) coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality over an anti-corrosive prime coat etc. complete in all respect for all floors and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Exposed area of railing will be considered for measurement, rate is excluding the cost of painting). sqm
201801 Providing nosing to the nose of tread of stair including supplying 3 nos. of 75 mm long 12 mm x 3 mm F.I./SS bar clamps with bifurcated ends in each treads including fitting and fixing with the angle by welding and fitting and fixing the angle by cutting grooves in R.C.C, fixing and finishing and the same with C.C. (1:2:4) etc. cost of electricity and other charges all complete and accepted by the Engineer-in- Providing 38 mm x 38 mm x 6 mm M.S. angle to the nosing of steps of staircase metr
201802 Providing nosing 32 mm x 32 mm x 6 mm M.S. angle to the nosing of steps of stair case. metr
201803 Providing 25 mm x 25 mm x 6 mm size M.S. angle to the nosing of stair case. metr
201804 Providing 38 mm x 38 mm x 6 mm brass angle to the nosing of steps of stair case metr
201805 Providing 38 mm x 38 mm x 6 mm S.S. angle to the nosing of steps of staircase metr
201806 Providing 32 mm x 32 mm x 6 mm S.S. angle to the nosing of steps of stair case metr
201807 Providing 25 mmx 25 m x 6 mm size S.S. angle to the nosing of stair case. metr
2019 Supplying, fitting and fixing of column guard made of 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm M.S. angle around column and 50 mm x 6 mm F.I. bar for Tie at the top including fitting and fixing with the angle by welding, fitting and fixing the angle by cutting grooves in R.C.C, fixing and finishing the same with C.C. (1:2:4) etc. cost of electricity and other charges all complete and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge metr
202001 Supplying, fitting and fixing of column guard made of 75 mm x 75 mm x 3 mm S.S. angle at corner of column including supplying 3 Nos. of 75 mm long 12 mm x 3 mm SS bar clamp with bifurcated ends, fitting and fixing with the angle by welding, fitting and fixing the angle by cutting grooves in R.C.C, fixing and finishing the same with C.C. (1:2:4) etc. cost of electricity and other charges all complete and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. metr
202002 For column guard made of 50 mm x 50 mm x 3 mm S.S. angle metr