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PWD RATE SCHEDULE-2018 Updating..
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Code Item Unit Cost(Tk.) Unit Rate(Tk.)
150101 Minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:4) with fresh cement to both inner-and outer surface of wall, finishing the corner and edges including washing of sand, cleaning the surface, curing at least for 7 days, cost of water, electricity, scaffolding and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cement: CEM-II/B-M) ground floor. sqm
150102 Minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:4) with fresh cement to outer surface of wall, finishing the corner and edges including washing of sand, cleaning the surface, curing at least for 7 days, cost of water, electricity, scaffolding and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cement: CEM-II/B-M) ground floor. sqm
1502 Minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster with neat cement finishing to plinth wall with cement (1:4) up to 150 mm below ground level including washing of sand, finishing the edges and corners and curing at least for 7 days, cost of water, electricity, scaffolding and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cement: CEM-II/B-M) ground floor. sqm
1503 Minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster with neat cement finishing to dado with cement (1:4) up to 150 mm including washing of sand, finishing the edges and corners and curing at least for 7 days, cost of water, electricity, scaffolding and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cement: CEM-II/B-M) ground floor. sqm
1504 Minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:6) having with fresh cement to both inner and outer surface of wall, finishing the edges and corners including washing of sand, cleaning the surface, curing at least for 7 days, cost of water, electricity, scaffolding and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cement: CEM-II/B-M) ground floor. sqm
1505 Minimum 6 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:4) with fresh cement to ceiling, R.C.C. columns, beams, surface of stair case, sunshades, cornices, railings, drop wall, louvers, fins and finishing the corners and edges including washing of sand, cleaning the surface, curing at least for 7 days, cost of water, electricity, scaffolding and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cement: CEM-II/B-M) ground floor. sqm
1506 Minimum 6 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:3) with fresh cement to ceiling, R.C.C. columns, beams, surface of stair case, sunshades, cornices, railings, drop wall, louvers, fins and finishing the corners and edges including washing of sand, cleaning the surface, curing at least for 7 days, cost of water, electricity, scaffolding and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing and sqm
1507 Flush pointing to brick wall with cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:2) with cement including raking out the joints, curing at least for 7 days, cost of water, electricity, scaffolding and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cement: CEM-II/B-M) ground floor. sqm
1508 Rule pointing to brick wall with cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:2) with fresh cement and raking out the joints, curing at least for 7 days, cost of water, electricity, scaffolding and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cement: CEM-II/B-M) ground floor. sqm
1509 Raised or tack pointing work to brick wall with cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:2) with fresh cement of minimum 12 mm x 20 mm in size including raking out the joints and necessary scaffolding, curing at least for 7 days, cleaning each and every brick, cutting the bricks with pumice stone where necessary etc. all complete in all floors, cost of water, electricity, scaffolding and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cement: CEM-II/B-M) ground floor. sqm
1510 Providing drip course or nosing at the edge of sunshade or cornice with cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:2) with fresh cement, curing at least for 7 days, cost of water, electricity, scaffolding and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. metr
151101 Making groove in plaster on outside wall upto 50 mm X 6 mm size including scaffolding, curing etc. complete as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. metr
151102 Making groove in plaster on outside wall upto 38 mm X 6 mm size including scaffolding, curing etc. complete as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. metr
1512 Minimum 10 mm thick fair face plaster using premix cement plaster (CP2 LGT/Stucco base premix or equivalent); initial background should be 19 mm rough cement plaster (1:4); then after passing 7 days curing time surface of newly constructed rough plaster should be throughly cleaned using a stiff brush to remove any dust, loose particles, wood pieces, mould oil etc, then the backgound needs to be throughly neutralized by applying potable water; Mixing premix cement plaster with water at water/powder ratio according to the spec ification of the manufacturer to form paste and apply on rough plaster surface; powder for making paste must be mixed with potable water only; apply the paste on the rough plaster surface by trowel to get smooth and shiny surface and cure the finished plaster suface for 2-3 days(3-4 times daily); finally water repellent coating to protect concrete surface; all complete with necessary scaffolding etc. accepted by the Engineer-in-charge.(Rate is excluding the cost of 19 mm thick rough cemen aluminium bronze/silver/ss/black colour with a coat not less than 15 m icrones in sqm
151301 Making groove in fair face plaster on outside wall upto 50 mm X 6 mm size including scaffolding, curing etc. complete as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. metr
151302 Making groove in fair face plaster on outside wall upto 38 mm X 6 mm size including scaffolding, curing etc. complete as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. metr
1514 Minimum 1mm thick fair face coating using Master Emaco N 303 Rendroc FC/Top Crete 220 or equivalent product micro toping skim coat, a high performance single component polymer fortified, colored, cementitious micro topping that can be applied on a variety of horizontal and vertical plaster surfaces; initially background should be thoroughly cleaned using a stiff brush to remove any dust, loose particles, mould oil etc.; then the background needs to be thoroughly neutralized by applying potable water ; The ratio of fair face coating and water is 1.5:1 to 2:1 or as required for workability ; powder will be mixed with potable water in a drum by blending machine; the mixture can be spread to any horizontal and vertical plaster surface using trowel to get smooth and shiny surface; all complete with necessary scaffolding etc. accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Rate is excluding the cost of 19 mm thick rough cement plaster) Ground floor. sqm
151501 Minimum 12mm thick cement sand (F.M-1.2) water proof, damp proof, dry and breathable plaster (1:4) with water proof Izonil Cement (STN-EN -1015-11 , Compressive Strength 34 MPa ,Max depth of water penetration into hardened plaster is < 1 mm) or equivalent compound to wall surface, finishing the corner and edges including washing of sand, cleaning the surface, scaffolding and curing at least for 3 days, cost of water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer -in-charge. (Izonil Cement/equivalent compound: Water proof, damp proof, dry and breathable cement). sqm
151502 Minimum 19mm thick cement sand (F.M-1.2) water proof, damp proof, dry and breathable plaster (1:4) with water proof Izonil Cement (STN-EN -1015-11 , Compressive Strength 34 MPa ,Max depth of water penetration into hardened plaster is < 1 mm) /equivalent compound to wall surface, finishing the corner and edges including washing of sand, cleaning the surface, scaffolding and curing at least for 3 days, cost of water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer-i n-charge. (Izonil Cement/equivalent compound: Water proof, damp proof, dry and breathable cement). sqm
1516 Added rate for plaster and all types of pointing for additional floor above ground floor sqm
1517 Pre-cast ventilators of minimum 25 mm thick of any design with cement sand (F.M.1.2) mortar (1:4) fitted and fixed in position, finishing with cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:6) including necessary scaffolding and curing, in all floors accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cement: CEM-II/B-M) sqm
1518 75 mm x 75 mm cornice of brick masonry in cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:6) having minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:6) including scaffolding and curing at least for 7 days in all floors accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cement: CEM-II/B-M) metr
1519 Supplying, fitting, fixing of broken and sharp glass 19 mm to 32 mm height, av. 19 mm width placed at a distance approximately 25 mm center to center, embedding the same to 12 mm to 19 mm thick cement plaster with neat cement finishing including necessary scaffolding approved and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cement: CEM-II/B-M) sqm