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I have developed a software using Oracle 11 and Developer 10g named “Complete Construction Cost”, which is being used in our company and other Company also. I have developed a web www.belccc.com using mysql and php in which data is transferred from oracle database. If a scope then I’ll show you in my notebook. Before that if you have time then you may see:

For Tender/ Offer:
  • Costing: BOQ, Rate Analysis: Click here Click BOQ/Analysis -> Analysis (All ) or Click BOQ -> Item no (One Item) or Click Variation


During Work Execution:
  • Material Indent/ Requisition: Click
  • Material Supply: Supplier Bill Module
  • Material Consumption: Store Inventory Module : Click
  • Sub-Contractor Bill/ Labour: Sub-Contractor Bill Module
  • Site Petty Cash : Cash Book Module
  • Work Bill to Client: Company Bill Module : Click
  • Sub-Contractor or Supplier Bill Payment : Party Payment Module : Click
  • Cost Monitoring: After Part or Full Complete: : Click OR Click OR Click then Click : Project Detail -> Cost Detail


After Project Completion:

  • Project Completion Report : Part-(3-basement + 14 Storied Building): Click and Factory Building: Click Or Click


Now You can see detail of costing : Compare quantity Rate and Costing in Bill of Quantity (Tender), Actual Work Done (Bill) and Actual Cost. You can see % of wastage of material and labour which will help you to next price offer and work execution.


Download : Video record of software (Previous Version): Current version AVI not uploaded. Click here or Click here