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M1 Miscelleneous
Code Item Unit PWD Rate(Tk.) Actual Rate(Tk.) Update
M101 Engineers Site Office sft 232.26
M102 Office Furniture LS 100000.00
M103 Stationary LS 8000.00
M104 Umbrella, Crockeries LS 20000.00
M105 PC, Printer, UPS1 LS 120000.00
M106 Air Cooler-24000 BTU LS 50000.00
M107 LED Flood Light -100W-4no LS 12000.00
M108 Bench-mark LS 7906.25
M109 Nail and wires, gazals kg 70.00
M110 Office,Store,Shed,Toile LS 68750.00
M111 Cleaning and Removal LS 13750.00
M112 Less salvage-shore protec LS -7700.00
M113 Geo-textile sft 11.33
M114 Nail and wire for shutter sft 0.53
M116 Form oil litr 180.00
M117 Cupper Sheet-400mm sft 198.00
M118 Curing for 7 days LS 229.17
M119 Polythene-Single Layer sft 2.60
M120 Alum Sheet-400mm sft 144.00
M121 Nut-bolt, J-hook-use 30 t kg 5.33
M122 Hessain for water-tight sft 1.50
M123 Cost for support-Footing LS 96.00
M124 Curing for 28 days sft 4.58
M125 Cost for support-GB LS 50.00
M126 GI Wire kg 120.00
M127 PVC Water Stopper-Non Cen rft 160.00
M128 Iron tower bolt-300 mm No. 50.00
M129 Iron Socket bolt-200mm No. 50.00
M130 Hinge-100mm No. 65.00
M131 Nickel plate handle No. 80.00
M132 Iron screw dozn 18.00
M133 Hinged cleat,buffer block set 62.00
M134 Mortice door lock each 700.00
M135 Mastic/bitumin seal fill rft 109.60
M136 CC, Curing-Grill LS 150.00
M137 Expan.joint-plate fabrica rft 10.96
M138 16 BWG Aluminium sheet kg 405.00
M139 Counter sunk revets Nos. 50.00
M140 Empty Gunny bag-use 2 tim bag 5.00
M141 Load test result preparat test 6500.00
M142 Rowel Bolt Nos 57.00
M143 Welding Rod (Electrode) Nos 10.00
M144 Fuel for auto rig day 2500.00
M145 CCTV/ Survilianc facility LS 40000.00
M146 Iron Hinge-100mm Nos. 49.00
M147 Safety Helmet nos 200.00
M148 Safety Belt nos 400.00
M149 Apron nos 120.00
M150 Gamboot nos 250.00
M151 Goggles nos 80.00
M152 Safety Shoe nos 600.00
M153 IT based Professional day 1200.00
M154 Printing, sundries copy 8.50
M155 Sign board less salvage sft 194.26
M156 Signbord hoisting no. 600.00
M157 Signboard removing no. 600.00
M158 Survey, study by Engr/Arc day 1800.00
M159 Inventory listing day 1200.00
M160 Autocad operator day 1200.00
M161 Checking by Arch/ Engr day 2666.67
M162 As-built drawing-sundries LS 561.67
M163 Hardcopy printing sft 20.00
M164 Drawing harcopy-sundries LS 13.45
M165 MS Project planning,netwr day 5000.00
M166 Networki hardcopy develop day 1800.00
M167 Progress meeting arrange LS 1718.75
M170 Nut bolt and nail kg 160.00
M171 Hatch bolt No. 300.00
M172 Brass Tower Bolt-250mm No. 50.00
M173 Brass Socket Bolt-200mm No. 300.00
M174 Brass Hinge-100mm No. 150.00
M175 Bitumin Drum used, empty each 250.00
M176 Brass Handle No. 100.00
M177 Brass Screws dozn 25.00
M178 Nail, screw, bit, putty LS 25.00
M179 Round Lock-50mm No. 550.00
M180 Iron Ring-63mm No. 15.00
M181 Iron Tower Bolt-250mm No. 74.00
M182 Iron Socket Bolt-150mm No. 45.00
M183 Iron Hing-75mm No. 12.00
M184 Catch Hook-225mm No. 17.00
M185 Stopper Handle No. 22.00
M186 Iron Cleats-300 mm No. 34.00
M187 Pin Hinge-50 mm No. 26.00
M188 Iron Hand Lock No. 53.00
M189 Locking Arrangement No. 280.00
M190 MS Clamp-150 mm No. 32.00
M191 Brass Tower, Socket -150 No. 400.00
M192 Brass Hinge-75mm No. 110.00
M193 Catch Hook-150 mm No. 15.00
M194 Knob catchment No. 40.00
M195 Magnetic catch No. 50.00
M196 Brass Tower Bolt-300 mm No. 400.00
M197 Brass Socket Bolt-200 mm No. 300.00
M198 Brass Hing-100mm No. 150.00
M199 Brass Handle No. 100.00
M1A0 SS Hatch Bolt-300-19 no. 210.00
M1A1 Brass Hing Cleat No. 20.00
M1A2 SS Tower Bolt-300 mm No. 150.00
M1A3 SS Socket Bolt-200 mm No. 220.00
M1A4 SS Hing-100mm No. 100.00
M1A5 SS Handle No. 60.00
M1A6 SS Screw dozn 30.00
M1A7 SS Hing Cleat No. 50.00
M1A8 Iron Hinge Cleat No. 20.00
M1A9 Brass Tower Bolt-250 mm No. 400.00
M1AA Brass Socket Bolt-150 mm No. 250.00
M1AB Brass Hinge-75 mm No. 110.00
M1AC Iron Hinge-75 mm No. 12.00
M1AD Brass/ SS Catch Hook-225 No. 20.00
M1AE SS Tower Bolt-250 mm No. 150.00
M1AF SS Socket Bolt-150 mm No. 200.00
M1AG SS Hinge-75 mm No. 70.00
M1AH Hydraulic Door Closure No. 2000.00
M1AI RIM Door Lock No. 550.00
M1AJ Magmetic Door Holder No. 180.00
M1AK Brass Hasp Bolt-19mm-300 No. 380.00
M1AL Rowel Plug -False Ceiling LS 1041.20
M1AM Vineer Board Ceiling-Acce LS 782.10
M1AN Revet and Washer kg 90.00
M1AO MS Wheel-38mm dia Nos. 32.00
M1AP CollapsibLocking Arrangem pair 280.00
M1AQ Greese kg 143.26
M1AR Handle with 16mm MS Rod Nos. 140.00
M1AS MS Wheel-38mm dia-Heavy Nos. 160.00
M1AT MS Gate Locking Arrangem Nos. 280.00
M1AU Clamp with Huskel Dumney Nos. 145.00
M1AV Hinge-125mm Nos. 70.00
M1AW MS Socket Bolt-16mm dia Nos. 62.00
M1AX Spring rft 55.00
M1AY Spring Box Nos. 80.00
M1AZ Nut Bolt-12mm dia L=63mm Nos. 12.00
M1B0 Bentoniote kg 36.00
M1B1 RCC Base-Suprvision Lift cft 424.75
M1B2 Maintain Elect bill-6-10 mon 2000.00
M1B3 Maintain Elect bill-10-15 mon 2500.00
M1B4 Maintain Elect bill-15-20 mon 3000.00
M1B5 Maintain Elect bill-20-25 mon 4000.00
M1B6 Maintain Elect bill-25-30 mon 4000.00
M1B7 Drainage,Connect to disch LS 429.89
M1B8 Putty for Water tight wor kg 107.00
M1B9 Power, water,clean,sundry LS 429.69
M1C0 Compilation of Driving Re copy 2000.00
M1C1 Hessain Cloth sft 3.00
M1C2 Brass Hatch bolt No. 380.00
M1C3 Iron Catch Hook-225mm No. 20.00
M1C4 Brass Catch Hook-225mm No. 20.00
M1C5 Door Viewer/ Eye Viewer No. 250.00
M1C6 Glass fiber mesh(10x10mm) sft 7.50
M1C7 Wire Nail kg 90.00
M1C8 SS wheel-38mm nos 64.00
M1C9 SS Clamp nos 64.00
M1D0 Rowel Bolt nos 50.00
M1D1 Argon gas, Filler rod etc LS 3500.00
M1D2 Welding cost-Column guard LS 70.00
M1D3 Hygenic Gown nos 120.00
M1D4 Thermomioter nos 80.00
M1D5 Adhessive Dressings box 150.00
M1D6 Antiseptic Solution-100ml nos 125.00
M1D7 Bandages pack 250.00
M1D8 Cottton balls or Swabs pack 50.00
M1D9 Emergency Blanket nos 600.00
M1E0 Gloves (powdered) pack 550.00
M1E1 Hand Sanitizer-250 ml nos 250.00
M1E2 Ice pack nos 300.00
M1E3 Saline box 100.00
M1E4 Emergency Medicine LS 3600.00
M1E5 Spikes, nail, chalkpodwer LS 55.00
M1E6 Curing for 7 day LS 137.50
M1E7 Nut-bolt, J-hook-use 15 t kg 10.67
M1E8 Mlamine board,foam,peakon LS 185.80
M1E9 Water stopper-RCC wastage LS 63.28
M1F0 PVC Water Stopper-Cenre V rft 180.00
M1F1 Welding Electrode-Copper pc 10.00
M1F2 Screw, washer etc LS 122.68
M1F3 SS Tower Bolt-150 mm no. 200.00
M1F4 SS Handle-100 mm no. 100.00
M1F5 Brass Tower Bolt-150 mm no. 400.00
M1F6 Brass Handle-100 mm no. 200.00
M1F7 Emergency Exit-750x750 no. 1000.00
M1F8 FI.Bar adjustabl-300x25x6 no. 50.00
M1F9 Architect Experience>5Y mon 65198.24
M1G0 Civil Engr Experience>10Y mon 97797.36
M1G1 Transport-Test, Emergency mon 57048.46
M1G2 SS Railing Poilising perc 0.10
M1G3 Clamp for rails nos 37.00