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L1 Labour-Civil
Code Item Unit PWD Rate(Tk.) Actual Rate(Tk.) Update
L101 Surveyor No. 1200.00
L102 Helper to Surveyor No. 850.00
L103 Ordinary Labour No. 550.00 600.00 2023-09-04
L104 Mason No. 700.00 750.00 2023-09-04
L105 Skilled Labour No. 600.00
L106 Head Mason No. 800.00
L107 Rod Binder No. 700.00
L108 Helper No. 550.00 600.00 2023-09-04
L109 Carpenter No. 700.00
L111 Alum.Skilled Technicians No. 1200.00
L112 Alum.Semi-skill Techn No. 800.00
L113 Painter No. 700.00
L115 Welder/ Fabricator No. 700.00
L117 Foreman/ Supervisor No. 850.00
L118 Machine operator No. 650.00
L119 Bamboo driving rft 13.75
L120 Palisading sft 46.40
L121 Mosaic Mistry No. 500.00
L122 Pile drive log recorder No. 567.00
L124 Precast pile rig operator No. 700.00
L125 Diesel operate rig driver No. 700.00
L126 Helper to rig driver No. 550.00
L127 Plumber No. 700.00
L128 Labour Sardar No. 800.00
L129 Const.Super.Lift Operator mon 17610.00
L130 Field Engineer no 1900.00
L131 Skilled Technician no 1200.00
L132 Pile Rig Operator no 700.00
L133 Electrician no 700.00
L134 Data logging Engineer no 1900.00
L135 Chief Mechanic no 1400.00
L136 Helper to Mechanic no 600.00
L137 Crane Operator no 850.00
L138 Helper to Crane Operator no 600.00
L139 Helper to machine operato no 600.00
L140 Generator Operator no 650.00
L141 Pump Operator no. 700.00
L142 Fitter (Skilled Labour) no. 600.00
L143 Assistant Crane Operator no. 650.00
L144 Lifting Supervisor(Skill) no. 600.00
L145 Roger-Alighment Fixer no. 600.00